Cant decide between Boomerang and Usergems?

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Pro Plan: $36K for 40K contacts
Cruise Plan: 12.5K contacts for $10K
(Volume Discount Available)
Two way integration to pull and push data from SFDC
ML-powered ICP fitness and lead prioritization
Lead segmentation and playbook orchestration
Machine + human hybrid process for data quality verification
Automation of sequence cloning into Outreach and Salesloft
Direct integration with LeanData
High-touch onboarding process including strategy and messaging workshops

Key Champions: 1.25K contacts for $10K
Key Influencers: 10K contacts for $10K
Enterprise Upgrade: $15K

Key Champions: 2.5K contacts for $10K
Key Influencers: 12.5K contacts for $10K
Enterprise Upgrade: 20% of subscription fees

Why Modern Revenue Teams prefer Boomerang

because we vibe on what truly matters!

In sales, time wasted is money lost

BDRs should be working on high-quality leads and not a data dump. Boomerang's ML-powered lead prioritization feature makes sure your team's efforts are spent on where it should be.
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Each customer deserves 'a solution'

Every customers' needs and set ups are unique. Boomerang offers the perfect blend of tech and services to make a solution that's just right for 'YOU'.
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No one needs another tool to go to

BDRs and Sellers are severely tool fatigued, we know that! Boomerang is carefully curated to minimize any new interface or behaviors that your team needs to pick up for it to deliver ROI.
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RIP generic, low-context emails

Boomerang's dynamic playbook orchestration feature supports high-degrees of contextual personalization to significantly increase open rates and pipeline conversions.
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Trust is the new currency

This is just the start. We're using the latest AI tech to build products that help companies predictably generate high-quality, low-cost pipeline by using their trust and goodwill.
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We win only when You win

Delivering customer value is not just another KPI for us. We apologize in advance for being annoyingly insistent on data, best practices and all things needed to see you get ROI!
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We love our Customers, and They love us back

Tracking our customers for job changes and referrals, and remarketing to them is such an obvious growth engine. Boomerang helps us achieve this with zero effort.

Sanchit Malik

Co-Founder & CEO

At our scale, monitoring customer job change is a critical accelerant for growth. We are excited about this partnership with Boomerang as we look to automate and scale revenue from this playbook.

John Charlesworth

Sr Director, GTM Systems

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