Play 1

Champion Job Change Tracking: Former customer in Target Account

Type of contact that qualifies for this playbook

Customer contacts in CRM that match buying committee members' title
(Tier 1)

Customer power users
(Tier 2)

All other contacts from customer accounts
(Tier 3)

Why do this campaign ?

Your customers in new jobs are amongst the highest intent signals. Through the Champion job change tracking campaign, you are tracking and following up with key contacts after job changes from your ‘current customer’ list.

What actions to take with these contacts


-> For Tier 1 contacts: alert SDR, AE, and VP Sales of that territory
-> For Tier 2 contacts: alert SDR, AE
-> For Tier 3 contacts: alert current opportunity AE and new account AE and SDR


-> Centralized gifting program
-> Auto-add to relevant sales engagement sequence


These are buyers who have got recent value and have a very chance of engaging again

Outreach Sequence

Step 1 | Research | Day 0
  • Review the contact's previous account emails, and talk to the corresponding CSM/AE on Slack to uncover any paths to warm introductions
  • Intro email request:
Current Job Changes
Hi <CSM/AE>,

Can you put me in touch with {first_name} from {New_company}?  A refresher: You worked together when he was at {old_company}, and now he has moved to {new_company} (last month).

Don’t forget to congratulate him on his move! Sending a couple of sample mails to set you up.

<BDR Name>
Hindsight Job Changes
Hi <CSM/AE>,

Can you put me in touch with {first_name} from {New_company}?  A refresher: You worked together when he was at {old_company}, and now he has moved to {new_company} (6+ months ago).

Sending you a couple of sample mails that you can use when helping me out with a referral.

<BDR Name>
Step 2.a | Email from Warm Intro | Day 10
Current Job Changes

Mail 1 ( Wishes ):  Send when we get lead

Hi {First_name},

Congratulations on your move to {New_company}!
Wishing you all the best in your new endeavor.

Sending you a small token of appreciation from our side! Click here to have the gift shipped to you!
<Setup gifting mechanism for key accounts/contacts to enable above line>

Let's catch up some time! Would love to learn more about your new role.


Mail 2 ( Referral ): Send after a week

Hi {First_name},

How's it going? Hope your new colleagues are exciting to work with!

<BDR_name> from my team asked me if I could connect the two of you. He's looking to chat with you and explore if {Our_company} could be a good fit at {New_company}.

Are you okay if I connect the both of you over email?.

Hindsight Job Changes
Hi {First_name},

How's it going? It's been a long time. Hope you've settled in well at {New_company}.

<BDR_name> from my team asked me if I could connect the two of you. He's looking to chat with you and explore if {YourCo} could be a good fit at {New_company}.

We've launched a bunch of new things since the time we worked together, so it might help as a refresher for you. Are you okay if I connect the two of you over email?Let's catch up separately some time. Would love to learn more about your new role.

<BDR Name>
Step 2.b | Cold, not able to get a warm intro | Day 10

Email 1

SUBJECT: Congrats, {first_name}!

Hey {first_name} -- congrats on your new role!

We miss working with you at {previous_company}, but we're confident you're going to accomplish great things at {current_company}.

Sending you a small token of appreciation from our side! Click here to have the gift shipped to you!


Email 2

SUBJECT: Same as previous - reply mail

Hey {first_name},

Hope you received the gift! If not, just a reminder from my end!Must be really exciting for you at {New_company}!

Step 3 | LinkedIn invitation message

Linkedin invitation to warm up contact may help with recall.

Conditions: All contacts - can customize according to type of leads

Current Job Changes
Hi {First_name},

I'm an AE over here at {YourCo}. First off, congratulations on joining {New_company}! Wishing you an exciting journey in this new role.

I'd like to add you to my professional network. I've also dropped you an email. Looking forward to hearing from you!  
Hindsight Job Changes
Hi {First_name},

I'm an AE over here at {YourCo}. Would like to add you to my professional network!I've also dropped you an email.

I've also dropped you an email. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Step 4A | Ex-Buyers & Power Users (“good experience”)

Focus on personalization for Ex-Buyers and Power Users with high satisfaction and engagement metrics. These are the leads who know and love your product.

Conditions: Key Buyer - Customer Accounts (Contacts linked with Closed Won opportunities)
Power Users - High NPS scores

Current Job Changes
Subject Line: {past account} -> {account}// modify using gpt

Hi {First_name},
We noticed you left {past_account} and wanted to congratulate your move to {account}

!Based on our experience working together at {{past_account}}, we thought you’d have a good sense of <value_prop>.

Some more context below my signature.Would you be interested in opening a dialogue at some point?

{BDR Name}
Hindsight Job Changes
Subject Line: {past account} -> {account}

Hi {FirstName},
We noticed you left {past_account} and wanted to give a belated congrats for your move to {account}!

Based on your experience with us, we thought you’d have a good sense of <value_prop>. Some more context below my signature.

Would you be interested in opening a dialogue at some point?

{BDR Name}
Step 4B | BDR Namedrops CSM/AE to mid-tier contacts

You may not be able to generate a warm referral because the CSM/AE may not be that familiar enough, or they may have just simply left {YourCo}. In that case, you can namedrop the earlier CSM to build rapport with the prospect and entice them to reply.

Able to find warm connection, but unable to tap into the connection
All types of contacts

Current Job Changes
Subject Line: {past account} -> {account}

Hi {FirstName},
My colleague, {PastAccount_CSM} (cc’d) said they enjoyed working with you and the team at {PastCO} - and saw you started a new gig at {account name}{relevant observation about their new company}.

Have you noticed any opportunities at {account name} to improve <value prop>? Quick refresh on us below my signature.

{BDR Name}
Hindsight Job Changes
Subject Line: {past account} -> {account}

Hi {FirstName},
My colleague, {PastAccount_CSM} (cc’d) said they enjoyed working with you and the team at {PastCO} - and saw you started a new gig a while back at {account name}{relevant observation about their new company}.

Since you have been here for a while, have you noticed any opportunities at {account name} to improve <value prop>? Quick refresh on us below my signature.

{BDR Name}
Step 5 | Call
Step 6 | Invitation to next webinar/customer event/Product blog
Step 7 | Email
SUBJECT: YourCo product update + potential at {{company}} 

Hi {First_name},

How are you ramping up at new {{company}}? [insert a relevant challenge that she may face at the new company] There have been a few product updates with YourCo since we last worked together. [feature/case study with link] seems like the most relevant for your new role - [case study]. Do you think it makes sense to connect our teams at some point?

- {{BDR Name}}
Step 8 | Call
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